The Maison Bourgogne

This house was built at the end of the 15th century and has a Renaissance façade decorated with lion heads and mascarons (grimacing masks).

From 1860 to 1971, this house was home to a pastry shop where, among other things, the Biscuits Bourgogne, a Ladyfinger flavoured with verbena, was made. It is in the lineage of the pink biscuit of Reims and can be eaten with Crémant de Bourgogne or Champagne. Just like the Ladyfinger, it is used in the composition of desserts such as charlottes.

The tourist office of the Pays Arnay-Liernais is installed in the Maison Bourgogne since 2012.

Office de tourisme
du Pays Arnay-Liernais

6, place Bonaventure-des-Périers
21230 Arnay-le-Duc
Tél. 03 80 90 07 55
Mail :
Accueil du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 12 heures et de 14h à 18h.

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